Since the beginning (& I mean the very start) of this band H has been around in one way or another either as a friend or in the band we even asked him to play bass for us on the demo, that didn't come about in the end but he’s seen us progress from just having a laugh to still just having a laugh but being better!!
When it was decided that we needed to move on with a different bass player all being well that we had a new venue & we didn't’ need to use someone's gear anymore (cause we’re using cunts) AND BEFORE the Cerebral Bore/Disentomb gig we put on we had asked H if he wanted to join the band he said “yeah” & we confirmed it that night after we played & so the H era started straight away & after we told him he really had committed to it the next day ha ha!!
So now we have a guitarist & bass player who quietly play behind the two loud mouthed fucks at the front & the crazy little ginger fuck at the back now you can find out what happens in Kirky’s head just read on……………..
The H interview...
Dave Gleavey (Ex guitar)
My question is how are you finding life with the aids so far?
So far so good, no complaints! It's been a good laugh and the gigs have been excellent! Never a dull moment in this band, couldn't ask for more cos I've been in loads of bands over the years with some right proper miserable easily offended cunts!
Soo (Agzzy’s Wife) wants to know
What would you be doing if you wasn’t in this HUGE band & where do you see yourself in 6 months from now!
This is like a real job interview kinda question!!! I'm in 2 bands so i'd probably be less busy and have a few more quid due to less rehearsals!!! Hopefully in 6 months time we'll be playing in other places around the country with both bands as well!
Will you stay with the band forever or will this become a Metallica type band through a rotating door for bass players?
What, like spinal tap with all their drummers?! I can't see anybody leaving Dr Aids anytime soon like, especially with the newer songs starting to sound more nastier and faster, everyone seems more into this newer direction!!!
Ric Woodhouse asked,
First gig you ever went to …….
Iron Maiden Wembley Arena 1990 with Anthrax supporting! I was 11, not bad for a first show, eh?! That was a boss year fwith many top metal albums and it ended with my first gig and it was amazing!
Gareth (The mental Motorhead fan)
What’s your fave Dr AIDS tune & for that matter any tune(s)
It was, is and always will be BALLAD OF A PRE OP TRANNY!!!
I was there in the early days when they first started rehearsing it, sounded boss then, fucking rules now!!!
Who is more sicker Glitter or Leonard?
OH MY GADD!!! Leonard is the real LEADER! Definitely Leonard! Glitter is a lightweight choir boy compared to the mighty Leonard.
Dark Thrones or Black Flags?
Whose song called "Time" is the best; Anthrax, Brutal Truth or Pink Floyd?
Gotta be FLOYD, that is all!!!
Rob (Necroquegcuntcore demo artist) asked
Do you own a onesey & can you provide a pic?
Shit question, Robert. NEXT... (Ha ha Rob’s ripped again)
Phil (Guitarist in H’s other band) asked
How do you comb your hair?
Like a teen porn starlet I'm shaven!
What brand of baked beans do you strap onto your feet to give you extra height?
I don't need extra height, i have girth and length on my side but Tesco value beans have come in handy in the past!
Sid (First Bass Man!)
Did H learn the bass because he wanted to be Lemmy?
Yeah gotta be Lemmy, maybe there's some Cliff Burton and Steve Harris in there somewhere as well, bass is honestly the most boring of all guitared instruments, when i was a kid i wanted to be Matt Tracker from the MASK cartoons, not a fucking musician!!!
(how funny is his face in the above pic ha ha!! )
Who influenced you to take up bass? And what song contains your favourite bass line?
I dunno? my first guitar was a strat but i was told by my dad that i was playing it like a bass so we part ex'd it for a bass and I'm still doing it now. Best bass line ever has gotta be I Saw Your Mommy by Suicidal Tendencies!
How does it feel to know that so far out of the band interview you have to be the one who has pity questions thrown at him by me?
Have pity on me mate, I'm in a band with Rigsby, Chuck Billy, Bert from Sesame Street and the cunt from simply cunt, oh fuck what does that make me?!!!
Sarah Turner (Whiplash promotions,Liverpool)
Why did you leave Steps? Oh, wrong H!
H from steps was skinned alive and buggered, by Dr. Aids' first line up!
How many times have you seen Iron Maiden and do you think you will subtly introduce some Maidenesque bass lines into the Dr Aids songs (when Piggy and Agz are too pissed on Stella/German beers, Joe has his Tesco Value cider, and Petch has, well whatever Petch drinks, turps!……I found this most amusing Sarah well done x)
Lost count, honestly, since 1990 there's been shitloads of maiden gigs, the best being Donington 1992 and worst was in Manchester on that real live tour in 93, Dickinson clearly didn't wanna be there. I think i might put in a few Harris gallops in there somewhere in our new EMO GENOCIDE (taking back the Misfits by killing one Emo at a time) song!!!
Peter Watson
who's the biggest cunt and why
Agzzy? Piggy? Petch? Joe? Take your pick, they're all cunts, it's just that Agz and Piggy are loud cunts, Petch is a guitar Tourette's cunt and Joe is a talented cunt ha ha!!! Ah fuck it, I'll say Agz cos he's sent me all these fucking questions to answer!!!
Barry Durrans
Are you blonde?
On top or down there? haven't grown my hair long enough in years to even remember what colour my hair is!!!
Nick Stirling
Were Proppa unkonshuz the worst bunch of Shite you ever had the misfortune to Jam with?
I enjoyed them Curious Dr Hump/proppa unkonshuz days mate, proppa unkonshuz used to attract some nice birds to the gigs, Dr Hump just attracted tramps and smackheads!
Those hanover gigs were legendary especially the final unkonshuz gig/fight!!!
Top 5 horrors
Nightmare on elm street (1984)
Return Of The Living Dead
The original 60's Two Thousand Maniacs!
Argento's Demons
Fuck it, can't just have 5-
Bad Taste, Braindead, 976 EVIL, The Burning, Friday the 13th Part 3, Reanimator, Evil Dead, Christine, Cujo, Halloween 3, Nightmare Vacation, Neon Maniacs, Night Of The Creeps, Street Trash... NOTICE THAT THEYRE ALL FROM THE 80's!!!!!!!!
Apart From Dr AIDS what’s the shittiest band you have been in?
i played drums once in a band called Thumper. We played many gigs in many empty venues all over the north west. I tried to get them into more underground bands but they were just ignorant and couldn't be arsed so neither could I, they turned out to be cunts anyway.
Are you still involved in "the claw?"
not really, been years since we went to a show together, plus i can't be arsed doing blogs anymore.
Why is Maiden better than Metallica?
Harris, Dickinson, Smith and Murray are better songwriters, there's also less posers at maiden gigs, maiden never changed their sound and look to fit in with the times!!! anyway stop mentioning maiden and metallica in this fucking interview cos nobody cares!!!
Which bass man is your biggest influence & what music are you into?
Lemmy (did i answer this already?…yes but as this isn’t a face to face interview we can just look stupid on the blog!)I like all kinds of music, anybody that just listens to just one type of music is a sad cunt, you gotta have variety or there'll be nothing to influence you in your playing, I love NWOBHM more than anything and some old thrash but i also like old hardcore and the odd english punk band, then again i also like some old British prog rock and plenty of doom.
Why do you like Van Gaylen?
Cos they're a proper musician's band, a real feel-good rock band, any one of their albums could liven any party up, they're just too fucking good!!!
First record ever bought & do you still buy vinyl?
My dad bought me Iron Maiden's Somewhere In Time, Alice Cooper's Constrictor and AC/DC's Who Made Who Lp's in one day when i was 7, never looked back. Not a bad start eh?! I actually still buy vinyl now!!!
I hear the guitarist in Stone Deaf Forever is a right cunt is this true?
If he wasn't a cunt then I'd probably hate him!!!
& why have you a werewolf on drums in S.D.F?
Believe me, i think only a werewolf can get the job done of matching mikkey dee's drumming!!!
Fave porn star to shake the coconuts from the tree too?
Sasha Grey. Without a doubt the best porn star to ever grace my collection!!! Why can't i meet a girl like her?!!!
Gang bangs or Lesbians
Lesbo Gangbanging Trannies!!!!!!!
What would you rather be wanked off by ass or gob & do you get a kick from BBC?
By a gob i think, there's more mess and less stink! I like messy wanks!!! BBC ruins everything, everybody knows that!
Bri Jones
When will you die???
Shouldn't be long now, the diabetes will cause a stroke making all my vital organs fail in no particular order, the kidneys are usually the first to slowly die off then repertory problems usually follow with breathing failing which will lead to a heart attack and then death. It's kind of a weight off your chest when you know what you're probably gonna die of. Just for the record I want AC/DC's "Ride On" played at my funeral!
it's just took me just over an hour to answer these questions. I want my fucking hour back you cunts!!! Nah, just one last thought, come and see Dr Aids in basement 20 on 17th march or just fuck off!!!
You own a onesy don't you H. Admit it. Agz owns one. I hate you you cunt. Bobby.
ReplyDeleteI actually own 5 Robert lots of love Andrew x
ReplyDeleteCan I have an unwashed one?
ReplyDeleteYes if you wanna but me a new one & I know who you are ya want it autographed or sponked on By all of us!!