This was out first effort as a threesome we'd got a few songs together & also carried on with a couple that our original guitarist made which includes "Katie Price Fuck Off To Jordan" seems to be our signature tune at the moment.
(Incidentally the demo cover above is the decapitated heads of Katie Price & Jeremy Kyle an idea that Agz came up with as he is the main celebrity hater & designed by Rob Warden a very close friend of the band)
It's not that we're not proud of this demo tho it is getting a little embarrassing cause it was our first effort it's just we have moved on a lot since then so much so we've re-recorded 4 of the songs & completely dropped "The Ice Cream Man" which you will never hear live tho Petch may play a little solo in "Simply Cunt" every now & then?
Now for the songs & an explanation as I am the one who is writing this blog (Agz) & I wrote the lyrics I can explain all the idea's behind them.
1. Katie Price Fuck Off To Jordan
Well this is simple innit I fucking hate this media whore mongering slut she is what no child should ever strive to be (Or man) a fucking slut who has to have a cock in one hole or another & let the whole world know about it. I proper hate this ugly fucking rat. I make no apologies for this she is horrible she is a filthy ugly fucking twat. (Did I make myself clear?)
2. Die Kyle Die
This is obviously (if you live in the UK) about an ex gambling addict (Jeremy Kyle) who is now on TV taking the piss out of working/dole class (all be it most are how shall I say proper trailer trash....Jerry Springer) scum who do nothing but proper embarrass themselves & I hate him. We have just redone this in the last ep & I'm pretty much trying to put a line under it cause I've had enough of this song (Could be worse could be still singing Nellie The Elephant (Toy Dolls) 30 years later!!) I'm not saying we wont play it again but it's not my fave by far.
3.Captain Paedophile (Leave the kids alone)
This is an idea that Piggy came up with about the Captain Birds-eye adverts & why would an old man be on an Island with kids!! So of course in true Dr AIDS way I took the lyrics & made a joke out of something we are OBVIOUSLY VERY AGAINST that being Child abuse/Paedophilia.
4.Ballad Of A Pre Op Tranny (Cuts off his dick cause he wants a fanny)
Story is right I wrote this about middle aged blokes with shit make up, shit cloths that look like they came out of Oxfam in the 70's & 5 o'clock shadows. Not about people who have gender problems (Transsexuals) Tho I think the likes of this song has ruined our reputations & maybe people think we are this or that well shit happens to be honest. It's ok for POISON IDEA to do it like but not us (Oh & I'd forgot about the PI song when I wrote it!!) Music wise me & Petch came up with it I was humming the tune & making up a song about Piggy being a miserable bastard in band prac one day telling Petch to go away & add to it so we could rip him the week after so it you can imagine "WEIRD & HORRIBLE THAT'S ALL YOU ARE" was originally "HIS NAME IS
RIGSBY HE'S A MISERABLE CUNT" then you can get in my head about what was happening!!! Funny how things work.
5. The Ice Cream Man
Was the second of a bunch of sick murderous bastards I wrote others being Dr AIDS, The Sports Teacher, The Window Cleaner & a few others I can't remember. We dropped this song end of!!!!!
Thought it would be nice to add Petch's little comment he put below
As a foot note I forgot to mention we asked H to do bass on this it's a pity he didn't like he had said yes but it didn't happen. Never mind we got him in the end
MUSICIANS (Use this word loosely) ON THIS DEMO
Thanks to Dave "Zod" Gleavy ex guitar deserves a mention & our brother Sid Baily (Ex bass)