Now it’s time for that loveable rogue Ian Williams otherwise known as PIGGY love him or hate him you CAN ignore him we do!! But what goes on in that mashed up head of his? Lets find out & will he finally admit he is a homosexual?
Tell us how the Dr AIDS band came to be about as you’re one of the godfathers?
A brief answer here mate, 25 years ago Agz and me met up got drunk and listened to a shit load of noise-core bands, fear of god, crawl noise, sea monkeys etc! We thought that sounds piss easy let’s do a band!? Ha ha anyone could join in and most of the time they did, as long as they had a bass or guitar they were in! Didn’t even have to like the music! Turn up get drunk make noise! The original name BARFIN ALIENS came fro an add in Fangoria magazine, a stupid name for a stupid band it thought! We only ever done one tape which was a ruff as fuck 3 track praccy tape. We did do around 150 songs at the time, but could only find 3 that were not totally shite!! Ha ha anyway shit happened and i didn’t see Agz for 17 odd years! When we did meet up again we talked about the idea of doing the band again, find 2 more drunks to join and make some raw noise again! No disrespect to Sid and Zod who we roped in, but it was just a laugh at first, in fact the best laugh i ever had was the piss up when we first got together in the pub! Ha ha funny as fuck, as the beer flowed so did the ever growing sick idea’s! Move on 2.5 years and here we are in your face and hated!
Is this the most successful band you have been in? & what other bands have you been in?
Well when i was in Ballpein we did around 8 gigs with the likes of assert, freebase, stamping ground, cause for alarm to name a few, we were about to record some stuff and do a lot more show’s until I drunk a bottle of brandy, went to too see madball, got my head kicked in and called the rest of the band a bunch of cunts!! Ha ha, not like me i here you say!! Dr aids have done 3 release’s so far, so yes the most successful to date. I’ve been in loads of stupid noise band’s and grind/experimental bands, but apart from the above the only other band worth a mention is my first band MENTAL ILLNESS, i was still in school around 13 i think and i was asked to join a skinhead band! Boss days, every place we played we got banned from because of violence with skinheads and punks! We played with infa riot in Leeds, we nearly never made it home that night! Ha ha
Why do you think that Dr AIDS upset people do you think this is fair & what is your opinion on PC bands?
Because we sing songs about homo’s and tranny’s and call people queers and faggots at our show’s! Were all gay in the 1950’s way! I think we attack minorities and freaks in this world with tongue firmly in cheek, i mean being into extreme music all my life makes me an outcast and freak to the average person in this shite world! Also I think because we’re totally different in our lyric attack! Generic bullshit lyrics against this and for that just don’t cut it for me or Dr aids in general, call us what you will, we aint homophobic or trannyists (there funny and freaky! And they’ve got BALLS!!), I mean who the fuck else writes songs about celebrity’s being cunts and slags?? No one! To fucking scared to be different, not cool enough, PC bands can suck my strap on shit ridden black cock! Most hardcore bands these days piss me right off with their fucking recycled lyrics from the 80’s bands, try something different ya cunts!
Where do you think the Hardcore Punk scene is not in comparison to say the Grind & Metal scene now & what would your answer have been back when you & Agz first started hanging round together?
Fucking question! Ha ha the so called SCENE now is fucking shite, nothing else to add really! Thank fuck for whiplash and Fredwestlife inc! The cost of living has gone up and so have door prices and bottles of cider! I think to be honest it’s gone backwards rather than forwards.
What music did you first get into & what are the best bands you seen live especially back in the day?
I first got into punk around the age of 10, pistols ,damned, stranglers the usual suspects really, also got into the skinhead scene in a massive way, both the oi! Side, and the two tone movement. Moved on to hardcore around the age of 16, which pushed me onto the death metal/grind/crust sound! Fuckin hell how much space do i have mate???..ted heath who went on to become xyster were fucking boss live, played with them when I was in mental illness, the good old days of glue, cheap spirits and cider! Crass, flux of pink Indians, the system, all boss bands but terrifying to be at the age of 13/14! Napalm death, carcass, st vitus, entombed, doom, ent and most of the all dayers at the planet are highlights! Autopsy at sloanes! Early paradise lost shows, massacre, immolation, dri in brum on the crossover tour was pretty cool, the classic cro mags show in Liverpool! the Wrexham death metal gigs were thriving back then! I’ll stop there before a rabbit all day!!
It’s seems Fredwestlife Inc are trying to bring back the old Planet X days back to the gigs Dr AIDS are putting on is this fair? Do you feel you have a way to go or is Basement 20 is the way forward to obtain this goal?
Yes and no mate, yes in a way the shows are like planet x, basically its all about doing what the fuck you want and getting fucking wasted! Ha ha this deffo happened back then and its deffo happening now at our shows, it’ll never be as good as the way it was END OF! It was fresh and new then, now i can only just about to be bothered to go to dr aids shows! Ha ha. Basement 20 is a boss place to play, i could go into the reasons on here, but i won’t because I may spoil the perks we have there if some snitch is reading this interview!
What bands would you love to put on and why you have 5 choices.
Massacre, broken gravestones, the grotesquery, bone saw and STONE DEAF FOREVER!(note- the other 4 choice’s all feature KAM LEE ON VOCALS!) to be honest now i’ve done a show with Agathocles the only other band left would be FEAR OF GOD!

What bands would you never put on within this scene & again you have 5 choices with reasons why?
I’m sure your trying to provoke me with some of these questions! I aint got 5 choices mate, just don’t like playing or putting on PC LIBERAL SHITE BANDS IN GENERAL!
How far do you think Dr AIDS can go & as there changing their style slightly is this selling out cause people aren’t ready for NECROQUEGCUNTCORE? Is this gonna upset people who have been into you since the start?
I like the change of direction were taking at the moment, we’ve never set out to sound or be like anyone or anything, we just do what we wanna do, punk innit! Ha ha if we ALL like it we do it, end of really. People will never be ready for us, most are far too narrow minded to even comprehend what we’re doing! With regards to upsetting people... I’ve been doing that long before dr aids came about! If you don’t like it or us then FUCK OFF and go listen to some safe metal or hardcore! “hay man I can really relate to what that band are saying” ha ha fuck off you soft cunt! Open up to some proper none pc NECROQUEGCUNTCORE! That’s why i called are sound that in the first place, because you have got to be punk or grind or whatever, don’t ever want to fit in with that shit! Maybe that’s why Terrorizer magazine have never got back to me when i send them cd’s!
My question to Piggy is if somebody knocked on the door and Sadie wasn't in and you were in your onesy, would you answer the door with no shame?
I have a special Velcro patch on the front for easy access for when the door go’s! I have no shame, they should be ashamed because the haven’t got there onesy on
With your open hatred of emo's and glammies (re: Revulva rant) on show, doth the man protest too much? I.e. do you really love them and wish you were one?
I am a 43 year old emo according to Phil! Ha ha well yes of course I wish I was one mate, i was one in the early 80’s! Had vans and converse, baseball cap, checked shirt, and I loved the misfits and sucking cock! The girl’s are cute thou, so there’s another good reason! I hate them because the Emo band’s get more groupie’s than us!
Barry Durrans
My question for piggy will be, how's your back?
Fine thanks Barry, every month i go to Dr Popper Salinas for a back cock massage!
Dear Rigsby,
1. pick a new song for Dr. Aids to cover?!
another nail in the coffin- extreme noise terror
2. Recommend me one boss horror film to download that i might not have and also recommend me a boss porno with no BBC!
Chillerama, fucking boss, can’t recommend it highly enough mate, also just got pieces on dvd, havn’t seen that for 20 years or something! Gorey and just funny as fuck acting and story line, terror firmer, citizen toxie, any of the august underground films
3. We've supported Agathocles, who else dya wanna gig with?
Fear of god but they don’t exist anymore! Massacre would have been nice as well!
4. You can get back supports in home and bargain; do you want me to pick you one up?
I’ll just buy a tenner’s worth of pantie liner’s and make my own thanks’ mate
Dan Gibson…...Why did you delete me off facebook & broke my heart
Oh fuck off whinging you fucking emo! I delete people all the time cos i can’t be arsed with them! No offence
Paul Strangeway Why did he throw the bus seat out of the window? How many cans of cider did he drink to come up with the idea? What gig did said seat throwing incident occur after?
This question has fucked with my memory completely! Ha Ha I have no idea what you’re on about Paul! I did take a pair of shoes of a bloke who was asleep on the train and chucked them out the window! Is this any good to you mate?
Phil Salinas
|Does he still have a lovely smile
The gypo’s seem to like it thank’s phil. The gap is like a make shift snooker cue rest for your cock to slide in and out of!
Has the moth died in his wallet yet?
The moth was released and smoked in a bucket with Brother Sid!
Has anyone besides me and bobby ever met him for the first time and not wanted to twat him?
I have a long line of twatter’s phil! As long as bobby and you fell in love with at first sight that’s all that count’s to me! To be honest most of the time i can see people looking at me when I’m chatting drunk shite, and i can hear the voice in their head saying “ what a fucking prick i wish he would fuck off!” well rather that or they say it as soon as i walk away, sorry stagger away! Friends to hater’s ratio are well in favour of the haters!
Does he still take cock?
Only on prescription from the big black witch Dr on Scottie rd!
Why does most of Liverpool hate you Ian?
Most people don’t even know me! Just know my name or what i may or may not have done in the past! They want to concentrate on their own life not mine! I’m a drunk and talk shit! Your far more loathed than me aren’t you Agz???? (I doubt it ...Agz)
Do you regret crippling someone at the Deicide gig? Phil added can you explain the art of stage diving seen as the rest of us have forgot?
Yes and no, you go to show’s to have fun, enjoy the band’s and get drunk, or in my case to piss people off when they see me coming towards them drunk! I didn’t mean the person any harm, just if you see my jumping off the stage you better duck! It seems to be a lost art these days, the pits are lame (I’m too old and broken to join in!) and there is certainly no stage diving taking place! It’s like a fucking nodding dog contest now! That’s why I like our show’s because the crowd is full of drunk freaks doing whatever they want!
Paul Brown What is the correct weed to chocolate chip ratio for use in making chocolate chip brownies?
Well it’s been a while since i made one paul, all depend’s who you’re making them for?! Gruff nut’s instead of choc chip’s, they won’t know the difference, deffo a quart of weed
James Yeardsley How much would he have to be paid to hug lizzie lemon?
I’d rather watch your fist her at our next show Jim!
Skip Cairns why does Agz wanna quit the band and be a bus driver?
Because he looks like the driver from the Simpson’s and because he could change the face of public transport forever!
Phil Salinas After licking a dogs ball bag at a party (this is true) what did it taste like and did you fall in love with said animal???
A velvet pouch of love! Like a silk glove, which incidentally i used to wank it off with after the balls lick! I used to always get that boss boxer drunk, it didn’t fancy me when it was sober!
Phil Salinas why do you and bobby keep going on secret weekends away? And does make it more like brokeback mountain now he is married?
It makes it more dirty and wrong and dangerous! We go on secret weekend’s to get away from prying eyes that might be watching as we man up together!
Luch Avendano Is he the father of my child?
You look like an extra from gypsy wedding mate, and you’re a fucking manc! So i doubt it!
Barry Durrans Who is Piggy?
A toothless Rigsby moaning whining 43 year old drunk sexually challenged blue nose drunk, with a big hatred for people with beards and glasses
Rob Warden Why do you hide a wok underneath your shirt? (Thanks for the inspiration Agz)
It’s half a football not a wok! It’s a reversed hunchback!
Rob Warden According to Branston you have a neck and a hunch back like a vulture. Do you often stick your head in the bloody gash of a corpse?
The most stupid question of the lot! I usually have to crack a corpse open with a toffee hammer and a hacksaw blade! My neck is fucked because of the constant blow job’s branston force’s apron me!
Pat Cooksey i got a serious one...MR PIGGY...what is your opinion on BASEBALL CAPS and popularity of them with the rap and youth cultures in the UK, should footballers start wearing some sort of hats to help counter the rise of this american/alien/antibritish fashion trend ?
British footballers should all wear fez hats or the dead girlfriends cut out fannys around there neck’s! I wear a cap; I only do it to cover up my shit hair and to infiltrate the emo factions!
Another related one...MR PIGGY,if you have smash some cunts skull in what would you rather use, a cricket bat or baseball bat
A sock full of penny’s is my weapon of choice!
MR PIGGY,beside yourself and the rest of the Fredwestlife organization, what other group of people are the UK's greatest threat to sovereignty and security ?
The gary glitter facebook page!
MR PIGGY,are you really a doctor?
I have a phd in shit talking!
MR PIGGY,why do people from Liverpool sound like they are speaking polish or Irish when they are stinking drunk,sorry my if my english is bad,i grew up speaking american so don t understand all the funny words you people use,thanks
It’s because most of em are coughing up enough phlegm to gob at pc dickheads! Gee are you a septic tank then pat?
MR PIGGY,use one word to describe each band member
Drunk fucking retards th lot of em!
James Haigh why the fuck do you have a onesy are you gay???? is it true you and the band give each other Guinness enemas and have shit fights? Did you really once work in Buckingham palace but got sacked from your position when you were caught fisting a corgi and sniffing the queen mums crusty gusset? and finally as we know your Jedwoods biggest fan which one would you like to viciously sodomise in a greenhouse scum stylee?
Onsey’s rule you cunt! Gonna do a gig in one soon, just to prove i’m not a homo and i have no shame! We eat each other’s shit, why waste it by chucking it about! Don’t do enema’s mate, just eat a rum ruby the night before said shit eating contest, i take a lot of my influence from 120 in Sodom( aka salo) when i comes to crap capper’s! Don’t like corgis, to low and small, it’s just another rumour about me that is not true! The gusset sniffing happened in scope and Oxfam in town mate, that’s true! 2nd hand gusset’s rule! I love Jedwood! Don’t fucking take the piss! I’d cross wank the pair of them!
Hamo 'What first live act did you see that inspired you to wanna be in a band and why?'..
Crass at lark lane community centre when i was 13 i think, 75p for around 6 bands!
What do you think of the rest of the band? BROTHERS OF INTOXICATION!
Finally any last comments?
Nice one to the cunt’s who asked me questions, thanks to one and all that turn up at our show’s and thanks’ to the pc cunts for making us stronger! Hope I’ve answered all the questions, I’m drunk on sponk!